Our June Star Performer is one of the gems of our service team, Jessica Kissoon!

Our June Star Performer is one of the gems of our service team Jess Kissoon! 

This month, Jessica has received special recognition for her outstanding performance from her peers here at Optimus. 

Jessica has been a Service Consultant with Optimus for almost two years. Her role involves supporting our two biggest accounts.  

Jess has grown in confidence during the two years she’s been with us and is now responsible for proactively maintaining contact with customers throughout all phases of the transaction lifecycle – from the initial lead through to completion. Jess is also a huge team player, always helping people out and always happy to jump onto whatever needs doing. 

How our Star Performer scheme works 

Every team member gets one vote each month for someone in the Optimus team who they feel has demonstrated our unique ethos:  

  • We care about customers  
  • We solve problems  
  • We get good outcomes  
  • We think differently to move forward  
  • We have good ideas and put them into action  
  • We work together as a team  
  • We go the extra mile when we need to – and everyone has a voice when it comes to making things better.  

About Jessica 

Jess worked in solicitor firms before joining Optimus. Jess was looking for a work environment where she could develop and apply new skills every day, we are delighted that she choose Optimus! 

Outside of Optimus Jess is super consistent at hitting the gym. It is also interesting to note that Jessica has over 60 tattoos! 

Jess is a great addition to the team. Thanks for all your hard work, Jess! 🙌  

Find out more about our Optimus team here!

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