Imagine you’re at a wedding, chatting to someone interesting. When you tell them you’re an estate agent, they ask you what you love best about your job.
You might say:
You probably wouldn’t say:
But all those jobs need to be done. Just not by you. Or your team.
How would having the stress removed from your clients, so that you can concentrate on selling properties make you feel?
Optimus Move is a bundle of products which offers outsourced AML checks, top-rated conveyancing and upfront property searches.
How can you move your sales along by outsourcing your compliance with Optimus Move?
Verifying client identity is mandatory, but it takes time, is prone to errors, and the penalties for getting it wrong are high.
By outsourcing your compliance as part of the Optimus Move package, you can let us conduct your AML checks for you and reduce transaction times by up to 42 days!
A member of our friendly, experienced team will call your client and run them through the checks. Results are fast, accurate and simple to view through our convenient online platform. And the service is free when your clients take up our performance-managed conveyancing.
Our outsourcing service is simple and efficient:
Simply pass across your client’s details (name, address, telephone number) and leave the rest to us. We’ll carry out all the required customer due diligence for you:
Why not discover for yourself why estate agents like you see Optimus Move as a real game changer?
Read more about Optimus Move